Trump Says Coronavirus Death Rate is Less Than 3.4%

But only based on a hunch. President Donald Trump at a coronavirus briefing with Airline CEOs in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on Wednesday.

On Yahoo News this morning I saw an article that caught my attention- Trump claiming that the death rate of the coronavirus is less than 3.4%, but only based on a hunch he had with what he was observing. He thinks that the coronavirus death rate is really 'a fraction of 1%' and we should not worry as much about it as we are.

As comforting as that is for some people to hear, I do not think there is really that much hard evidence to back up that claim. A valid point he did make was that many of the people who have corona do not actively seek medical care or testing to help themselves. Now, that may be because people can not afford it, or they think they maybe just have the regular flu, but nonetheless I wouldn't say that is reason to say it is below 1% death rate.

In total, the article claims that there are about 150 cases reported in the U.S., being very isolated in Washington State and California. There are 10 cases reported that lead to death in Washington State, and one case so far in California that has lead to death.

Originally, the 3.4% death rate was conjured up by The World Health Organization, taking into account the number of confirmed COVID- 19 diagnosis and deaths.

 Business Insider also came forward and said that many of the more mild cases of Corona go unnoticed and unreported, but the farther it spreads the milder the cases are going to get, which is why Trump said that the percentage was lower than what the World Health Organization reported, but he just made up the less than 1% statistic, Business Insider does not fully understand where he got that from.

Something that may appease the public to know is that the more cases of corona we get, the more less likely they are to cause death. Business Insider thinks that the more cases we get, the milder they will be, and the longer they are present in the world, the less detrimental they will be, which means less death rates and less severe cases.

Personally, I am not sure what to make of this. It is comforting to know that the cases are getting milder, but it is uneasy to hear how fast it is spreading, and I think that is what is instilling so much fear into the public. I am hoping the U.S., since we have good health care, is going to be able to make the cases we do have get better, or eliminate further cases so they do not spread to more states. It makes me uneasy to travel, and I have a flight home to New Jersey this weekend where there was a confirmed case of Coronavirus in the airport I am flying into when the virus first started to spread.

Even though Trump pulled that 'fraction of 1% death rate' statistic out of thin air, I really do hope he is right.


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