Social Media and the Downfall of Our Society

Oh social media, the new crux of our society.

Social media is the new trend, and unfortunately, I do not see this trend dying down anytime soon. Our way of receiving information has bubbled down to texts, emails, and posts put on blast on social media sites like instagram and snapchat. Even the dating world has come to downloading an app and swiping left or right on random people within a 20 mile radius of you. Social media has made human being blind to the real world and lose their sense of humanity.

Social media is taking the human out of humanity. Sites like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Twitter are running our world. Everywhere you go, walking down the streets in a city, walking to class, sitting in class, sitting in traffic, going to the supermarket, waiting for a meeting to start, everyone is face deep in their phones. These days, teens and adults alike, do not even look up from their phones to hold the door open for someone behind them. I never thought I would see the day where pointless, mindless chatter on a cell phone was more important than listening to the chatter of life. Instead, everyone's lives are on their phones and social media.

Watching that video made me very upset. These days, someone can't even die without it being plastered everywhere. Then comes the worst part, everyone pretends to care for the first few days and then they are forgotten. Citizens are so desperate to have content: something to post or someone to expose or talk about, that they will go to extreme lengths to do so, even as far as death. When you think about it, hopefully I am not alone here, that is really sad. Cell phones, social media, and social pressure are ruining the society we live in today and dooming it for the future to come.

It brings me great sorrow to see people ignore each other and ignore the world. I genuinely get upset that people do not realize there is so much more to life than phones and social media, and do not take advantage of it. It is a tough pill to swallow realizing you really only have one life and you should cherish it.

One of my goals for 2020 was to live. I know I fall a victim to my phone and ignoring others and caring too much about the fake world around me, when I am letting the beautiful real world around me slip passed and disappear. I just want to love life the way we were intended to, without social media and being happy. I know that I am so much happier when I am away from my phone, not focusing on toxic people, and not seeing what all of my friends are doing- with or without me. I think it is so important to realize life does not stop for anyone, and humanity is losing their sense of humility. People are not nice anymore, and karma is a bitch. You might as well live your life to the fullest because you only live once. Throw that phone away and go get some hobbies.


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