EOTO Presentations - Benjamin Franklin

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Ben Franklin

I do not think enough people give Ben Franklin enough credit. I am no history buff, and I do not even find it fascinating, but when Emily Nagle presented about Ben Franklin and I learned only a few of the many great things he did, I wondered why none of that was ever talked about. 

Ben Franklin was not only a journalist and published articles under penn names, but he practically invented the idea of using penn names to submit anonymous articles. He popularized the term and increased the amount of people who used it in the papers. I also never knew he owned a paper, and wrote as many articles as he did. Not only did he publish a bunch of articles under a fake name, but he helped draft the Declaration of Independence, The Treaty of Paris, and the U.S. Constitution. This man was an America Founding Junkie. 

Get this, Benjamin only had very little formal education and he still basically founded the United States. It makes me wonder if I really need to be going to college or not. 

On top of founding America, he also made the first lending library, owned the Pennsylvania Gazette, and founded what we know today as the University of Pennsylvania, yes, U Penn. 

Anyway, I think we get the point. The man was an absolute legend and I do not think he is talked about or taught enough in the public school systems. 


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