My Top 5 News Sources

Although I am a journalist, I have a very big flaw that I am trying to work on; I am not as good as I should be at consistently checking the news. At the beginning, the news just scared me and it was not something I ever wanted to look at, understandably. Now that I know I want to be a journalist, a habit I am trying to get into is checking the news a few times a week, in hopes to get up to everyday. With that being said, I am still working on it, so my top 5 news sources is a bit difficult to answer! As of right now, I think I can round up a few, even if they are unconventional, maybe unreliable, and even a little silly.

1. Radio 

My number one source of news is the radio! Some of you may be shocked by this, since there are so many streaming platforms for music available, in which I do use spotify, but I pay to have Sirius XM radio in my car still. I get very bored of my own music very quickly, since there is not much variety in the songs I listen to, so I am listening and browsing the radio much more than I am using spotify. With that being said, I listen to channels like Hits 01 and the Pulse, very mainstream and popular channels. In between songs and set lists, the radio show hosts come on and talk about a variety of topics: new released movies, trending songs, the charts, sometimes their personal lives, and they pose questions that the public can call in and answer. This is my purest form of listening entertainment, but I know that those channels specifically do not give much real time news. Occasionally, they will pop in with something concerning actresses and their lives, or musicians and new releases, and popular current drama in the world of social media, which to me, is news.

2. Television 

Now, if we are talking about news, conventional, cut and dry news, I would think politics. I try to stay away from that as much as possible, as I mentioned, but I am also trying to get better at having it in the background if possible. Switching from having The Office play on repeat in the back as I clean or do work to it being the news in the background has been a very hard change for me. Especially since I do not watch cable tv too frequently! Typically, I'll have fox news on in the background because I come from a family where that was, and still is, very prevalent. However, not entirely my cup of tea. Sometimes it is hard to turn on Fox News or CNN because each one has their flaws, which happen to be the same flaws: it is one sides and very dismal. On Fox you may not get the same stories that CNN decides to release because they have different political target audiences. Additionally, most of the time both news stations only relay news that is negative, sad, or very scary. There are not many positive news stories being reported on either platform. As I said before, each are very politically heavy, so when I do not want to hear things like that I always go to the radio just for some lighter and happier content.

3. Instagram 

Since social media is so prevalent these days, especially in my generation, social media platforms contain a lot of news. Not so much scrolling through my feed or ads targeted to me, but from what other people post on their instagram stories. Most of the time, these stories are reliable since they are just snap shots of actual news stories from a news sources instagram account. However, I think the motive behind why they are posted is a little... shady. The reason being, many people just post a news story because it is trending, or a big deal, or because it is part of the political party they associate with, or even just to jump on the trends and get attention, but do not actually have any idea of what is going on with the story or really what they are spreading awareness about. However, since I use instagram everyday, I am almost guaranteed to find a news related story in my timeline.

4. Snapchat

Another unconventional way of obtaining news is through snapchat. I use snapchat more than instagram, but I see less news on it which is why it is ranked lower than instagram. Snapchat reminds me of the types of news I find on the radio: more lighthearted and entertainment news related. Things to do with actors and actresses and their lives, or singers and song writers who have risen to fame.

5. YouTube

I frequently watch youtube, everyday at the least. Youtube is my leisure time- I like to watch clothing and fashion videos, make up tutorials, vlogs, and lifestyle videos, with the occasional cooking video thrown in there. If there is news trending, youtube will have some form of video about it, whether it is through a news network or just a youtuber I watch that wanted to voice their opinions on it.

For my own reference: Week Two Blog!!


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